American Cantata
Elaine Kendall & Elaine Moe & Dennis Poore from John Sanford
Published by Samuel French Inc
1 Male 2 Female
The vignettes, half of which are in song, portray Sally Blauvelt, who bore children to Thomas Jefferson, Peggy Arnold, Molly Maguire, Mary Surrat (of the Lincoln conspiracy), Elizabeth Custer, Isadora Duncan, Bessie Smith, Golda Meir, Josephine Baker, Eleanor and Alice Roosevelt, Georgia O'Keefe and 11 other notable, quotable and quite remarkable women
Along the way we have portraits of the infamous Triangle Shirt waist Fire, in which twelve dozen girls died, a "Dear John" letter, and numerous themes of feminist interest
"Rarely, if ever, do plays celebrate their subject matter as well ... American Cantata easily won my vote as the best celebration of American womanhood in recent reckoning" ~ East Villager