Dracula - Oxford Playscripts
David Calcutt from Bram Stoker
Published by Oxford University Press
Large Mixed Cast
He is Nosferatu, the Undead
He can walk through locked doors, change his shape
Sometimes he looks like a man, sometimes a huge wolf-like dog, or a bat
He never grows ill, never dies
And if you invite him into your home, he will take your life and your soul FEATURES
The Oxford Playscripts series offers exciting and skilful adaptations of a range of modern novels and includes ...
* New, innovative activities specifically tailored for Key Stage 3 - 11-14 year old students
* Activities include work on Speaking and Listening, close text analysis and the structure of playscripts, and act as a springboard for personal writing
* Insights into the plays themselves by their authors and adapters
* Advice on staging
* Speaking parts: 11 male; 6 female; 6 either