
Larry's Favorite Chocolate Cake


Kent R. Brown

Published by Dramatic Publishing

5 Male 4 Female

Larry has had it!

No longer capable of enduring the pressures of being a responsible husband, an understanding father, and a productive employee, Larry has pulled the plug - literally

Exhausted, overworked and deluged by graphs and figures while preparing his company 's annual report, Larry hit "delete" for three empowering hours!

"It all crashed," Larry confesses gleefully. Now Larry no longer has a job

Needing safer surroundings, he decides to move back home with his parents and resurrect the carefree days of his youth

Unfortunately, Larry's unconventional and high-spirited parents have other plans

In and out of Larry's surreal crisis move a variety of delightful players: an obnoxious boss, a coworker with whom Larry is illicitly involved, a seductive travel agent, his wife's wan office lover, an erstwhile props assistant who keeps the action moving, and more

A comedy for all who have felt like tossing in the towel

Browse Library

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