The American Dream
Published by Samuel French Ltd
2 Male 3 Female
Mommy, the domineering wife, is grappling with the thought of putting Grandma in a nursing home
Daddy, the long-suffering husband, could not care less
Grandma appears, lugging boxes of belongings, which she stacks by the door
Mommy and Daddy can't imagine what's in those boxes, but Grandma is well aware of Mommy's possible intentions
Mrs. Barker, the chairman of the women's club, arrives, not knowing why she is there
Is she there to take Grandma away?
Apparently not
All becomes evident when Grandma reveals to Mrs. Barker the story of the botched adoption of a "bumble of joy" twenty years ago by Mommy and Daddy
Then a Young Man enters
He's muscular, well-spoken, the answer to Mommy and Daddy's prayers - The American Dream
But can Grandma convince him to assist in her master plan?