
The Devil's Playground

The Devil's Playground $23.99

Christos Tsiolkas

Published by Currency Press

Fred Schepisi's film The Devil's Playground is an intimate portrait of Tom, a thirteen-year-old struggling in spirit and body with the constraints of living in a Catholic seminary

It is also the story of the Brothers and how they cope with the demands of their faith

Made in 1976, this semi-autobiographical film established Schepisi as one of Australia's most talented directors and was one of the first Australian films to be selected for Directors' Fortnight at the Cannes Film Festival

Christos Tsiolkas invites you into his twenty-five year journey of viewing, reviewing and re-imagining the film

He remembers his first illicit experience of the film at age thirteen and describes how his views of it changed in later years

As he chronicles the impact of The Devil's Playground on the development of his love of cinema, he also explores the film in terms of sexuality, politics, history and aesthetics

Tsiolkas' account of what The Devil's Playground said, and didn't say, to him is a passionate tribute to the power and possibilities of cinema

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