The Playwright's Workbook
Published by Applause Books
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A series of 13 written workshops for playwrights
Subjects include:
- Conflict and Character: The Dominant Image; Tennessee Williams and Arthur Miller
- Dialogue and the Spoken Word: Overheard Voices; Ibsen and Shakespeare
- Creating the Solo Performance Piece: Listening for Stories
- Dialogues and Monologues: The Power of the "What"
- Terror and Vulnerability
- Ionesco - The Point of Absurdity
- Creating without Possessing; Pinter and Beckett
- The Alienation Effect: People using People; Bertolt Brecht and Antonin Artaud
- Dreams and Ceremony: Chekhov and Soap Opera
- The Breathing of a Play: The Order of Scenes
- Editing and Rewriting: Writing in Pursuit
- Moving toward Production: Collaboration
- Why Write for Theatre?
- Overheard voices: Ibsen and Shakespeare
- The solo performance piece: listening for stories