In the Jungle by Andrea Rassler

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This Play is the copyright of the Author and may not be performed, copied or sold without the Author's prior consent

Lights come up on the central room of a home for vulnerable adults in
Small Town, USA. There is an exit to the exterior SR and exit to the
kitchen SL. There should also be a stairway to the upstairs, either
through an archway or off to SR. On stage is a couch and a small
table, big enough for cards.

ELAINE, DOROTHEA, and MAGGIE are playing "Go Fish" at the card
table. Each is struggling with the game in her own way; for example,
MAGGIE is not sure she should be playing cards because "good
people" wouldn't do that. ELAINE just has trouble understanding
games and numbers but completely enjoys being with people and playing
games, and DOROTHEA struggles with everything because if one thing is
out of place in her hand or on the table, she is set off. There is a
calmness about the scene, even though there are seemingly a lot of
things going on. In other words, this is a happy home for the girls
to live in. They love each other in their own way and are being well
cared for.

ELAINE: Do you have any sevens?

DOROTHEA: Seven, eight, nine, ten.

MAGGIE: I don't think we should be playing this.

DOROTHEA: Why not? We're just playing cards.

MAGGIE: God wouldn't like this.

ELAINE: Is this wrong to do?

DOROTHEA: I don't remember it in the ten commandments. "Thou
Shalt Not Play Cards." Nope.

MAGGIE: I still don't think we should be gambling.

DOROTHEA: We're not gambling, we're just playing cards.

MAGGIE: Do you think Beth would think it's okay?

DOROTHEA: Of course, dingleberry! We're just playing cards!

MAGGIE: (looking hurt) You don't have to resort to

ELAINE: Beth has never asked us to stop before. We've played 'Go
Fish', like, a million times.

BETH enters from outside. She is cheerful, supportive, and loving.

BETH: Good afternoon, girls. Hmmcards is usually an evening
activity. You're playing in the afternoon today.

ELAINE: Except Maggie thinks we shouldn't be playing at all.

BETH: Why shouldn't you play, Maggie?

MAGGIE: God wouldn't like it.

DOROTHEA: Oh, here we go again

ELAINE: Is that in the Bible?

DOROTHEA: Will you please tell her, Beth?

BETH: I can't think of a single passage in the Bible condemning
"Go Fish" players to fire and brimstone.

MAGGIE (hesitantly): Well, okay. If you're sure.

BETH: I'm sure.

MAGGIE: Okay, then. Whose turn is it?

BETH: I trust you all had a good sleep last night?

ELAINE: I slept all night long like a log.

MAGGIE: I dreamed about HeavenSt. Peter was greeting me at the

DOROTHEA: Yeah, yeah, yeahWe all did fine. It's Elaine's
turn. Elaine, what did you ask for?

ELAINE: Do you have any nines?

DOROTHEA: Nine, ten. You asked for sevens before. Seven, eight,
nine, ten.

ELAINE: Ohokay. Sevens.

DOROTHEA: Seven, eight, nine, ten. You don't have to stick with
your first one, one, two, three, four, five, you can switch it to
nines. Nine, ten.

ELAINE: OhumDo you have any sevens?

DOROTHEA: Seven, eight, nine, ten. Are you sure that's what you
want to ask for?

ELAINE: I guess

MAGGIE: Which one of us are you asking?

DOROTHEA: One, two, three, four, five. You're holding your cards
upside down, Elaine.

ELAINE: Upside down?

BETH: You can't hold cards upside down, Dot. They're the same
both ways.

DOROTHEA: No, they're not. I can tell the difference.

ELAINE: I can't tell how to fix it. How do I turn them all
right-side up?

MAGGIE and ELAINE are working hard to fix their cards. ELAINE has an
especially hard time with this because of her one hand being

DOROTHEA: You just turn them all the same.

ELAINE: They are the same.

MAGGIE: I think they're the same, Dot.

DOROTHEA: No, they're not!

BETH: Dorothea

DOROTHEA: Don't lecture me! I know there's a right way! I know
there is!! Give me your cards.

MAGGIE: I don't think you're supposed to see what we have, Dot!

ELAINE: Dot, what are you doing??

DOROTHEA: (trying to gather the cards) They need to be turned the
same way!

MAGGIE: Dot, don't take our cards!

ELAINE: Dot, please stop.

DOROTHEA: I have to fix them. I have to

BETH: Dorothea?!

DOROTHEA: I'm okayI'm okayI don't need a time out.

MAGGIE: (trying to gather her cards again) I'll try to fix my

DOROTHEA: (tries to take them back) You don't know how!

ELAINE: They look the same to me!

DOROTHEA: The numbers may look the same to you on your side, but I
can see the difference on my side.

ELAINE: I'm looking on this side and I don't see a difference,
Dot. (ELAINE shows her.)

DOROTHEA: Oh, for crying out loud! Don't show me your cards!
(reaching for the cards)
Just turn them all the same!

ELAINE: I'm trying!

DOROTHEA: Let me do it! Just let me fix them! Let me fix them!!!
Fix them!

MAGGIE: Dot, don't!!

MAGGIE is frightened by DOT's outburst and covers her head and goes
to a corner, cowering. During the course of the next few lines, she
gets out her rosary and prays.

BETH: Oh, noDot?

DOROTHEA: I'm okay(breathing deeply) I'm okayit's all

BETH: Dot??? Just breathe

DOROTHEA: I'm okayI'm better. All better.

BETH: (to MAGGIE) Maggie? Maggie, are you okay?

MAGGIE is in her prayer trance and doesn't respond. BETH puts her
hand on her head, but doesn't try to stop her from her praying.

ELAINE: Can we still play? Would you like to play Maggie's cards,

BETH: Thanks, Elaine, but I've got to get ready for Emily.
That's why I came over today.

ELAINE: Who's Emily?

DOROTHEA: Our new resident, do-do. Don't you remember?

BETH: Watch the name-calling, Dot.

ELAINE: Our new resident, Emily

BETH: Who was supposed to be here exactly twelve minutes ago.

DOROTHEA: Twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen. Traffic is often

BETH: Yup. I'm sure it's nothing to be concerned about. Please,
go on and play.

ELAINE: Play with two people??
DOROTHEA: Two, three, four, five

BETH: Maybe Maggie's ready to play again

BETH crosses to MAGGIE and kneels next to her.

BETH: Maggie??


BETH: OhMary, do you think you'd like to play cards with Dot and

MAGGIE: I haven't finished my prayers, child of God.

BETH: Maybe you can pray while you play cards??

MAGGIE: I'm not sure that's what God would like me to do

BETH: The girls could use a third handwouldn't you like to treat
others as you would like to have them treat you?

MAGGIE: A compelling argument, my childI shall play

MAGGIE crosses to the table.

BETH: Now you three play nice!

DOROTHEA: Three, four, five

BETH: Dot, do you have all the cards fixed now?

DOROTHEA: I'm fine. We're all fine. Right, girls?

ELAINE: I'm fine

MAGGIE: I'm fine, sisters

BETH: OkayI'm going to check the laundry

MAGGIE: Godspeed, my child. Bless you on your chore.

BETH: Thank you, Mary.

BETH exits to get laundry.
DOROTHEA: Okay, thenDo you have any fours? Four, five.

MAGGIE: Are you asking for fours or fives?

DOROTHEA: Fours. Four, five.

ELAINE: I think it's my turn.

MAGGIE: Oh, that's right, it was Elaine's turn.

DOROTHEA: She already had her turn. She asked for sevens. Seven,
eight, nine, ten.

MAGGIE: But she didn't finish. Neither of us answered her.

DOROTHEA: Okay, okay. Elaine?

ELAINE: Do you have any sevens?

DOROTHEA: Seven, eight, nine, ten.

MAGGIE: Who are you asking?

ELAINE: I just ask anybody, don't I?

DOROTHEA: No, you have to ask a certain person. Haven't you ever
played this game before, ding-dong?

BETH re-enters from the kitchen with laundry to fold.

BETH: Did I hear a door bell?

MAGGIE: NoDot just called Elaine a bad name!

BETH: Mary, we shouldn't tell on people.

MAGGIE: Well, she did. She called her a ding-dong.

DOROTHEA: I'm sorry, Elaine.

ELAINE: It's okay. I just forget the rules a lot. Sorry.

BETH: Good. See? You all can work those things out on your own.

BETH begins to fold laundry.
MAGGIE: Now, who were you asking?

DOROTHEA drops a card and must lean over to get it.

ELAINE: I have to ask just one of you?

DOROTHEA: One, two, three, four, five.

MAGGIE: Yes, that's part of the game, my child.

ELAINE: Hey, Dot's looking at your cards!

DOROTHEA: I wouldn't do that! I don't look at people's cards!

ELAINE: Please don't get upset again, DotI just saw you

DOROTHEA: I don't look at people's cards!! I am NOT a cheater!
I don't I don't I don't I don't!!

DOT is having a melt-down and BETH drops her laundry to escort DOT to
the corner where her "time out" chair is. ELAINE is upset, but
doesn't move from the table, and MAGGIE covers her head at the table
and readies herself with her rosary.

BETH: Dot, you know you can't do this when you move to your new
apartment. This is twice in one morning! We've been working on
thisDot? I'm going to give you your headphones so you can calm

BETH gives her an iPod, CD player, whatever is easiest and best for
the show. DOT is listening, then, to her headphones and it is that
that calms her down.

MAGGIE: (with sudden grandiosity and in all seriousness) We must all
pray for the sinner. (makes the sign of the cross over her) You are
forgiven for your anger. I'll pray for your soul.

MAGGIE gets on her knees and prays her rosary. ELAINE is a little
lost and feels a little guilty for possibly causing all of this, so
she drifts toward BETH for direction.

ELAINE: What'cha doin', Beth?

BETH: I guess I'm going to fold laundry.

ELAINE: Is it time for a folding lesson?

BETH: Elaine, honey, don't feel bad. Dot losing control is not
your fault.
ELAINE: I am really sorry, though.

BETH: (gives her a hug) I know, sweetheart. She's just got her
own issues to work through. Would you like to continue with our
folding lessons?

ELAINE: I think I remember a lot!

ELAINE bustles over right to the basket and stands eagerly. She has
her cards still in her hand, but doesn't realize this right away.

ELAINE: Towels are easiest. I'll start with a towel.

BETH: You might want to drop the cards. It makes folding easier.

ELAINE: Oh, right!

ELAINE bustles back to the table, drops her cards, and then returns to
fold. DOT has been humming along behind the last scene to her
headphones. At this point, she starts singing out loud "In the
Jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps tonight"

ELAINE: Fold in halfthen half again

BETH sees a car pull in out the front window.

BETH: Oh, Emily's here. I have to run and get her
paperworkElaine, will you greet our new-comer?

ELAINE doesn't answer, as she is all involved in her folding. So
the scene is: DOT singing, MAGGIE praying, and ELAINE folding. As
DOT's volume increases, MAGGIE joins in the singing, but still is in
the posture of prayer with her beads. ELAINE starts singing, too, as
she folds. They are singing, and the fervor of the song increases
until they're all having a blast, singing, folding, prayingMAGGIE
even crawls along the floor as if she were in the jungle. They are
all doing this as EMILY and her mom, DIANE, come in the front door.
They stand and stare, not believing what they're seeing. BETH
re-enters, sees the scene, and rushes to the door.

BETH: You must be Emily. And Diane? Welcomeit's not usually
like this

[end of extract]

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